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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

First day on the job...

I was hired for the waitressing job, when I went to my interview, but when I showed up for work today they asked me if I wanted another job. They asked me to work at the front desk of their hotel! I get payed $3 more than I would have gotten payed doing waitressing. After 3 months I will even get benefits. The day went quite well. Pretty long for me though since I am not used to the long hours. I worked from 9am until 4pm.

Tomorrow I work again from 9am until 4/5pm. It's going to be interesting. I think that I like my new job pretty well. Oh, so more good news. I found out the other day that I do not need a teaching certificate to do substitute teaching, so I am still going to apply for that eventually. I even told my new manager my plans to do that and that I would be working only part time then, and it's ok!

It's suppertime now and I'm starved! I am pretty tired too! I think that I will probably end up going to bed on time tonight. So that's it for now. I guess that I will have to chronicle some of my Yellowknife adventures later.

1 comment:

Knightly Krafts said...

Thanks for keeping us posted... sure nice to be able to keep UP TO DATE with you! Love mom!